Jon Kip Chromatic Harmonica Owner

I stumbled on this guy’s site from a Facebook post. There is a lot here that I will want to revisit later but here is a neat article encouraging focused practice time away from the internet and using flute books to get new practice material. Jon is a saxophone/flute/clarinet player and he seems to share a similar passion with myself for applying the disciplines of a woodwind student to the harmonica. I like the title of the site because it reveals the humility of a guy who is keenly aware he is wrestling with a difficult axe.

..All aspiring instrumentalists should be made to read your entire site before being allowed to take lessons. Most of what you present is good fodder for all musicians, regardless of instrument, and you present it extremely well and in a very entertaining way. It made me laugh out loud several times. Great job! I’m going to refer everyone I know…:)

Don’t let the humility and constant self-deprecating humor fool you though, Jon is an amazing harmonica player with a relaxed and unhurried approach to improvisation and a beautiful tone that I could probably describe better if I was a music journalist. Listen for yourself! Look at the chart and check out how he navigates those chord changes.

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