A Nice Email from Buddy Greene

I kept running into Buddy at events and once on a hiking trail. So I sent him a demo cd with mostly harmonica playing and some of my flute and saxophone on it also. He sent me a note saying that the cd was damaged and wouldn’t play so… I sent another one. Then I got this email. You could tell he has no memory of getting the cd in the mail. Years later I ran into him in downtown Franklin, TN while I was pedaling around town on a bicycle. He remembered me and I busted a harp out of my pocket and played some for him. Buddy is an amazing player! Super fast and clean and the sweetest tone you’ve ever heard so I really value the kind words. He is also an awesome Christian brother. “Call me and lets play and talk shop” he said.

He references an event with Denver and the Mile High Orchestra which is a group I play saxophone with sometimes. I remember seeing him there and talking to him. I also remember connecting with him at the Buckeye harmonica event many years ago.

Hi Ross,

I don’t know how I ended up with your harmonica demo CD, but today I found it in the pile and put it on for the first time. You are one great player! Loved everything I heard. I’m thinking we might have met at Praise Gathering if you were ever there with Denver and The MHO, but I honestly don’t remember. I do remember enjoying the MHO very much. Maybe you gave me this CD then. If we met I’m sorry I don’t remember. Anyway, just wanted to let you know how much I love your playing, on harp and sax and flute. You’re a monster!

Buddy Greene

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